LAI measurements in Serbian oak forests
May 17, 2022
Dominik Sperlich is introducing the methodology and demonstrating the handling with the LI-COR Canopy field analyser and CI-202 portable laser leaf area meter. Leaf area index measurements. In the coming four weeks, LAI will be measured in 85 oak dominated plots from 5 age classes and productivity classes. For selected stands twigs will be cut with a pruning pull to sample sunlit and shaded leaves for leaf morphological analyses in the lab such as the leaf mass per area (LMA).
LAI team: Dominik Sperlich, Hanna Blauth, Marko Kazimirovic, Nikola Martac, Aleksandar Popovic and Milos Racic (PhD candidates from Belgrade Uni supervised by Nenad Petrovic).
Janko harvesting an oak twig. Is this a bouquet for his lady? Or a scientific sample to be analysed?