Work package 1
Coordination, Project management, Interaction with stakeholders, Project implementation
The objective of WP 1 is to ensure a smooth project flow through enabling environment of effective cooperation and providing the methods for measuring, reporting and steering of the core processes of the project. WP 1 should not be seen as a separate, stand-alone work package, but as an integral part of all other WPs of the project. The main activity is the overall coordination of project activities including internal coordination among researchers in the different WPs.
Cooperation with partner projects
The WP 1 coordinative role secures an intensive cooperation with the GEF-funded project “Contribution of Sustainable Forest Management to a Low Emission and Resilient Development (GCP/SRB/002/GFF)”. Objectives of GEF project are promotion of multifunctional sustainable forest management to conserve biodiversity, enhance and conserve carbon stocks and secure forest ecosystem services in productive forest landscapes. The main topics this project is dealing with are: Biodiversity aspects in forest management; Climate smart forestry – Adaptation and Mitigation, applied in: Improved Management Guidelines, National Forest Inventory, Forest Development Planning and Forest Management Planning. The project partners, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) and the GEF project management team have agreed to cooperate leading to an improvement of data sets available for the research activities described in each WP. On the other side, the ANKLIWA-DS project will provide climatic data and climate change scenarios to the GEF project.
Setup project structures
The WP 1 establishes and coordinates the Board of Scientific Experts, which includes both the direct supervisor of the PhD students and their co-supervisors, as well as other experts who have been asked to participate. The WP1 is responsible for organizing the Kick-off meeting and familiarizing all partners and chosen stakeholders with the project's goal, time schedule, and implementation methods.
Support of basic data compilation and preprocessing
The WP1 staff supports the retrieval of available data sets necessary for work within the WP 2, 3 and 4. „Unique - Land Use“ leads the collection, checks and preparation of the spatial databases related to the activities 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1 (see graph of activities). The coordinators team has optimal overview on the existing data and relevant institutions from the previous BMEL funded projects, which are interconnected within this process.
Coordination activities
The WP1 organizes regular project workshops in Germany and Serbia as well as final meeting at the end of the project.
Key partners and chosen stakeholders are invited to offer feedback and discuss capacity needs in the relevant fields, and they are kept updated on a regular basis during the project's duration, contributing to the overall project results. Organization of thematic-related stakeholder workshops in order to serve for the exchange of information with actors from forestry practice and forestry decision-makers.
A special support from WP 1 is given to the development and evaluation of adaptive forest management strategies considering multiple ecosystem services (activity 3.6) to organize inputs from the most important stakeholders and to transform the results of the previous BMEL-funded projects.
Coordination task of the WP 1 is implementation of the project results on a scientific level via publication of professional articles, participation in conferences, seminars, etc. The documentation of lessons learnt is an important aspect, and WP 1 will process and present the lessons learnt in an accessible and graphic manner. Furthermore, WP 1 coordinates final reporting and regular dissemination of results in comprehensive formats for forestry practice (Website, Newsletter).
Dr. Axel Weinreich and MSc Dejan Baković
- UNIQUE Land Use
Dr. Dominik Sperlich (scientific coordination – WP1 and WP3)
- Chair of Forest Economics and Forest Planning, University of Freiburg
Prof. Nenad Petrović (local coordination Serbia – WP1)
- Chair of forest management planning, Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade