German-Serbian bilateral research cooperation to develop and implement adaptation strategies to climate change in forest management

ANpassungsstrategien an den KLImaWAndel bei der Waldbewirtschaftung Deutschland-Serbian


Forests are a key natural habitat and resource in Serbia. Serbian forests represent the natural beauty of the Serbian landscape. They cover 2.2 million hectares - almost 30% of the land area – with beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and oak (Quercus spp.) being the most widely distributed tree species. They are essential for biodiversity, for fauna and flora, clean water and water retention providing at the same time protection against erosion and landslides. Each year more than 7 million m3 of timber is supplied to the wood and furniture industry of which 70 % is used for energy purposes. This contributes 14 % to Serbia’s energy consumption.
Forests are suffering from climate change but at the same time they have the ability to store large amounts of CO2 and are thus important for climate protection. Serbia is projected to become one of the hotspots of climate change in Europe. The Serbian forestry sector thus aims to stabilize forests, adapt them to climate change, and find optimal tools and methods for forest management. The governments of Germany and Serbia signed an agreement in July 2015 through their respective Ministries of Agriculture to develop and implement innovative forest management planning considering economic, ecological and social aspects in Serbia.
The following main research gaps and fields of improvements/measures were identified:
  • Among the most relevant, identified research gaps ("improvement measures") were
  • - Scientific components of a modern digital site mapping system for analysing the current and future tree species suitability
  • - a deficit in long-term forest growth experimental and monitoring plots for developping site-dependent productivity and yield tables
  • - the lack of climate-sensitive forest growth models coupled with an economic models capable of simulating and assessing effective adaptation strategies to climate change.
  • - ultimately, the absence of adequate policy programs governance framework to implement measures in the direction of "Climate Smart Forestry" in Serbia, that efficiently links adaptation and mitigation in the context of climate change.
The project aims to improve the economic and ecological stability of Serbia's forests through the introduction of improved planning and monitoring approaches and the consistent implementation of close-to-nature forest management that promotes the bioeconomy in rural landscapes and guarantees a large number of ecosystem services. Serbia can serve as a model for anticipating the challenges of climate change through meaningful adaptation strategies in forest management. Adaptive forest management in Germany can therefore greatly benefit and learn from experiences in Serbia whose climatic conditions today will be similar in the near future to those in the partner country.


The major objective of ANKLIWA-DS is to fill the identified research gaps in adaptation to climate change and sustainable forest management for the forests of Serbia. Overall, we aimt to provide decision-makers with the necessary information and tools to implement forest adapation strategies and to create robust policy frameworks under climate change.

With the planned activities ANKLIWA-DS aims to generate the required knowledge base for developing

To feed the models with the necessary information the data collection is a joint venture all WP’s to retrieve and process data bases of inventories, productivity, soil geology, terrain, meteorology, climate projects etc. Information from existing data bases, maps and inventories were screened, analysed and processed. To fill some knowledge gaps, intensive field campaigns were necessary for vegetation analyses, soil mapping productivity estimation and calibration of forest growth simulators. To stem the immense workload, ANKLIWA-DS focused on some chosen pilot areas in Tara, East-Boranja and Srem and on the two target species Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur. With ANKLIWA-DS we pave the ground for extending the developed methodology on other tree species and in other areas of Serbia or even beyond Serbia other areas of the Balkan with similar pre-conditions.


University of Freiburg - Chair of Forest Economics and Forest Planning

marc Hanewinkel
Prof. Marc Hanewinkel

head of project

dominik sperlich
Dr. Dominik Sperlich

scientific coordination – WP1 and WP3

University of Belgrade - Forestry Faculty

nenad petrovic
Prof. Nenad Petrović

local coordinator Serbia - WP1

janko ljubicic
Msc Janko Ljubičić


olivera kosanin
Prof. Olivera Košanin

supervisor WP2

marko kazimirovic
Dr. Marko Kazimirović


branko stajic
Prof. Branko Stajić

supervisor WP4

ivana vasic
MSc Ivana Vasić


dragan nonic
Prof. Dragan Nonić

supervisor WP5

jelena nedeljkovic
Prof. Jelena Nedeljković

supervisor WP5


axel weinreich
Dr. Axel Weinreich

project management, stakeholder involvement, implementation of the project results

dejan bakovic
MSc Dejan Bakovic

project management, stakeholder involvement, implementation of the project results

Important for the success of the project is the established cooperation with the two public forest enterprises “Srbijašume” and “Vojvodinašume” and use the common database of forest inventory data. Partner projects (GEF) help in sharing and progressing of data provision. We are supported by external experts who support the WP’s and give additional support and supervision for PhD candidates

daniela Kleinschmit
Prof. Daniela Kleinschmit
albert reif
Prof. Albert Reif
ulrich kohnle
Prof. Ulrich Kohnle


The thematic WPs are organized in such a way that they are processed by one PhD candidate each, who is supervised by at least one supervisor in the "sandwich procedure" in both partner countries. The exception is the complex topic of the WP 3, which is operated by an experienced post-doc, who will also be involved in the scientific supervision/coordination of the PhD students.

Coordination, Project management, Interaction with stakeholders, Project implementation
(Further) Development of a modern digital site mapping, focusing on site vegetation analysis and tree species suitability analysis.
Development of a climate-sensitive growth simulation model with economic component for the main tree species in Serbia and forest treatment strategies as basis for the decision-making of forest management under climate change.
Dynamic tree species Distribution and productivity maps under climate change
Climate change governance and sustainable development in Serbia



Within the framework of the project, new tools, techniques, and models were tested and applied which are not widely available even in Germany (e.g. climate-sensitive, adapted process-based forest growth simulators, dynamic productivity maps). ANKLIWA-DS created important DSS tools for forest practitioners and researchers in the form of dynamic and climate-sensitive site maps, and climate-sensitive forest growth models with an economic model, and had therefore a light-house character in Serbia and beyond in the entire Balkan region. The project benefited from excellent cooperation with the Serbian partners, great interest, and exchange with stakeholders, who supported the project with intensive data provision.

The main project findings are presented in the form of scientific articles, posters, and PowerPoint presentations. Findings can be summarized as 1) Expected decline in site index quality under climate change. 2) To date highly productive oak & beech in Serbia – but at risk under climate change. 3) Beech upwards migration to higher altitudes. 4) Declining groundwater levels increased strongly drought-induced mortality in oak. 5) Highest economic risks under business-as-usual management strategies while adaptation through earlier, more intense thinning reduced notably downside risk. 6) A new governance framework for forest management under climate change is essential for the successful implementation of adaptation measures.



ministry of Agriculture Germany


university Freiburg
sumarski fakultet
unique landuse

Main stakeholders

nacionalni park tara
Ministarstvo poljoprivrede sumarstva i vodoprivrede

Scientific contributors

fizicki fakultet
gradjevinski fakultet


UNIQUE land use GmbH

Schnewlinstraße 10

79098 Freiburg


Dr Axel Weinreich

University of Freiburg

Chair of Forestry Economics and Forest Planning

Tennenbacher Str. 4 (2. OG)

D-79106 Freiburg


Dr Dominik Sperlich

University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry

Chair of Forest Management Planning

Kneza Višeslava 1

11030 Belgrade


Dr Nenad Petrović